looking for an active clan for ps4. every clan ive been in so far is active for a bit then it seem like no one is on or wants to run anything a a clan
Hi sstoner5, I am trying to get members to help me with my clan. We are a PC gaming clan that is now branching into the console gaming community. We have over 2600 members and have been around since 2001. I play Destiny on the PS4 but I also game on the X1, just not Destiny. Check us out at http://taw.net/ My console section is just starting out so we have had 6 active doing Destiny every week. Wanting to make a second raid group and start competing together. We are a pretty clean clan so we try to keep it PG-13 language wise, your skill is not an issue, we just want to get together a couple times a week minimum to game together and have fun. Must be over 14yrs old and have a PC for Teamspeak communications. If this interest you I can get on and fill you in more or sign up on the website I gave you and let them know Talisac sent you for the console division. There is a lot of good guys and gals there, and plenty of games to play especially if you ever game on PC. Talisac on PS4 and Talisac812 on X1.