You play the game in hopes of obtaining what you're after...
But what you get is still RANDOM! So you don't earn it
You obviously bought it
Guy #1 plays for two months doing every raid, nightfall etc.. in hopes of obtaining the last word. He finally gets it. Guy #2 Stays up until xur shows up. He then notices that xur is selling the last word. Then he does three weekly strikes.. and he purchases it. Out of the two, which one EARNED TLW?
Out of the two? Probably the second guy. Look at it this way, the game has an RNG system right? So, you can grind and grind all you want, but what you get is random...plain and simple. The only things you really earn are the things you play to get, and are sure to get. Coins, and reputation. Hell, even Motes! So yeah the second guy.
Guy number 3 joins a Roc strike at the boss, boss dies as soon as he's in, so he gets no kills, RNG drops TLW in his lap. Did he still earn it?
No of course he didn't, RNG...