If one one gun can ruin your pvp experience then you really need to get better :) last word is good but so is thorn, hawk moon, red death, suros, hardlight, Monte Carlo, heck anything that shoots a bullet is good and you're just bad! :p.
Full srs stop being a little bitch
Lmao kid your KD is garbage
Okay guy yours isn't much better
P.s never said I was good, unlike you at sooking.
Come play on my constant red bar connection :) just so I can see what shit forum topic you can come up with next :) "I got shot in the head with a sniper rifle they should be neerfed"
You're poop
Wow so offended. Brb getting ice for that insane burn. If I'm not back in 10 minutes please call the ambulance as I'm suffering from such a severe burn. Pls.