Level 10. Wanna get through with storyline quickly. Will shoot up to 28-29 after level 20, already have gear. Anyone down to help??
Edited by LosT21: 4/17/2015 7:02:10 PMI can help if u need. No mic but I play smart Gt: LosT21
Alright, thanks. Give a min at the end of crota on another character
U can invite me to the Crota if u have room. I could use the gear
Bro we just finished it, sorry about that
Hahaha all good. I should have asked earlier
You down to to atheon cp?? Normal
Yeah that's cool. Just gotta switch up some stuff first. It's cool that I have no mic right? I've beaten it before so I kno what to do
Yea man that's fine. Hope you have patience to wait for me to find others and not rage quit. Cause itll be just me and you for a minute