*Shark and Cordelia stand staring at each other*
*Both raise their right hand at the same time and wave it*
Shark : The hell is this? Are you like some doppelganger?
Cordelia: No, Are you?
Shark: Fair point
*Watching from the couch nearby* "Heheh, had that kind of reaction too, when I met the other Shadows...."
*Both look over* Both: You seeing this shit?
"Yup.... Want me to try to explain it? Or just let you two figure it out yourselves?"
Both: Nah we are good
*Continues reclining on couch* "Ok, have fun...."
Both: K
O bby selfcest*exclaimed Nathan*
*Cordelia slaps* [spoiler]Btw Ken when looking for a new artwork of shark I had to use one of ken that doesn't look super like him. Because not enough people do art of people with M.A.s[/spoiler]
[spoiler]im not special ;___;[/spoiler] Y so serious
Bcuz bby I made a collage of them <3
[spoiler]thats kaneki bro y [/spoiler] [spoiler]*cries*[/spoiler] Lol
[spoiler]I told you bro i told you. Anyway it was kind of forced becasue no one makes M.A.S art work. Also *Hug*[/spoiler]
[spoiler]https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAQQjBw&url=http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F013c74e433c29cf97a0a3af172e1f14d%2Ftumblr_ng9fnqhsSJ1ra8v4uo1_500.jpg&ei=l5MxVdaJKcjnasmxgOAB&psig=AFQjCNGTqhBqVqjqjG13-VkC3332nQlMWA&ust=1429398717380349&rct=j mas art and you're right nobody does [/spoiler]
[spoiler]y man is it because I found some [/spoiler] [spoiler]Nathan: suck it up buttercup[/spoiler]
[spoiler]no it's because i saw that one before[/spoiler]
*watches and laughs* Well it seems like you found a solution! If you can't beat them, join them.
Shark: The Hell is this Shit literally
[spoiler]Secret bump[/spoiler]