How MLG are ya?
People admitted: 7
Edit: on break. Will evaluate more of you later.
Edit: I'm back scrubs
Hello, Scrubs. Im WeedBluntDoritoMonster. I am i faze. I have 547 fedoras in my closet along with all my doritos and mountain dew. I noscope 10,000,000 COD squeakers every hour. I have graduated from the academy of MLG, and have a Weed degree in the science of Dewritos. I have a collection of 931 airhorns in my empty dewrito bags, and alot of mwtn dew. Once i noscoped justin bieber's head in Call of Weed, Fedora Ops 2. I didn't teabag (cuz im not a gay), but i danced. Then Shrek came on his pet donkey and he gave me the Onion Of Approval. Then shrek whispered in my ear, " You just SHREKT him." Am i in?