In order to make money they must have a product that meets expectations and is enjoyable. If they don't get it together they will lose business, end of story. It's a consumer based market and anyone that knows a lick about it will tell you that one must have a good product in order to succeed. It is their job to please the player base, which includes myself and the naysayers you mentioned. We find the raid extremely enjoyable that's our opinion, if you think it's mundane then that's your opinion, I don't agree but you're entitled to it. As consumers of electronic game content we vote with our money, it will be interesting to see how this DLC performs. Not including a new Raid is a huge risk. Most buyers of DLC are committed players, and it's safe to assume that most people who purchased the DLC have played a Raid and enjoy it. In essence, Bungie is pushing their committed player base with this decision, and there is many of us according to your "squeakers and nay sayers" comment who riddle the forums to annoy you. I know you feel differently and that's okay, but this is how it looks from our point of view.
Lose players lol are you forgetting the 81% of destiny players that have failed to complete both raids on all difficulties? This new mode is a doorway accessible to all players, including that minority of 81% that will not want accept this outrageous marketing ploy by bungie and Activision. How dare they give the players what they want
And only 89% of players have completed the first story on Destiny according to the PSN achievement list. So your numbers represent what? The amount of people currently playing the game or the total who still play and have at least 1 character at level 30 in order to compete in both raids. Do you see how inaccurate your numbers are compared to the population that is consuming DLC. Consumers of DLC are again those who play the game a lot. I am willing to bet that most people who purchased the house of wolves have played in a Raid.
The 81% is from players eligible to do the raid
Here's an old link, but nonetheless proves my point that more people play the raid than have completed them.