Destiny crew, remove the gravity lift from the game to prevent access to the terminus on Venus. I was doing some testing and was still able to get to the terminus, to my surprise, it was completely redone.
To further conduct my experiments I began to climb my way to the largest area near the end. I was unable to get to the largest platform but was able to get to the middle island.
Some of my friends joined in before I went to orbit and found out that they spawned on the larger platform (Their gamer tags will not be mentioned in case of the ban hammer). I then left and joined them and began exploring the rest, realizing that the terminus wasn't completely redone but instead stretched out and slightly remodeled with more of an open area.
So it has come to my conclusions that to prevent this from happening, you, the destiny development crew, should remove the gravity lift until the area comes into play within an expansion.
I like trying to challenge myself with all my jumps on my Hunter to get in to it. Good skill test