Hey rahool is my bro he gave me a gally for a blue engram he's cool my guy! I say let him live!
Well it happensd so believe it I've got two friends that were with me when happend and they'll back me up.
Have you ever looked at a blue? POSSIBILITES: Blue, Legendary... Is exotic on there? I didn't think so, it's literally impossible, no matter how much you try to persuade me, it's not possible
Edited by Doc Holliday842: 4/21/2015 12:12:00 AMWhatever it still happend I put it on my life. I'm not trippin off some info fag not believing me, so you can go on ahead with you life now kid cause I still got people to back me up.
It, didn't, happen, it's not possible! Tell me the exotics you got
Gally and I've also gotten a multitool from it before as well.
Hmmm, I sure am questionate
Well like I said it happend so you can take you hate boner somewhere else kid
Ha, so funny
It's funny cause it's true
If it's true, then I won't argue, if it's not true, I won't argue. We cool? I don't want this to turn into a vex-cabal fight :)
Lol alright man we're cool :)
Can you say BULLSH1T
I'm serious I got two friends that will back me up... I guess rng just likes me :)
You can't get exotics from blues.....
Yes you can I've gotten 3 different exotic s from turning in blue engram I'm sure I'm not the only one in the world that has.
Bungie said in a vidoc about engrams, BUNGIE, the creator of the game! That the only possibility of an exotic from engrams are from Legendarys, and exotic engrams, not blue, it's impossible, ask everyone here, and the Destiny community, you are just lying for attention[spoiler] Get facts rights before trying to look good [/spoiler]
It -blam!-in happend kid and in case you haven't notice this the most broken game in the world right now if you want to believe that everything about bungie said about this game is true than don't be disappointed when you find out that this game is full of shit you can ask my buddy's "dragonassassn18" and "Caboose1102" go right ahead and ask them and make yourself look stupid in front of everybody.
Hey! No fighting! The game glitched and turned it into a leg eng then, while it was in the "higher"state it whent tally.
Little late the fights already over....
I don't need to ask them, I know the answer[spoiler]It didn't happen, it's impossible[/spoiler]
Whatever kid I'm sure other people have gotten exotics from blue engrams before and just so you know this happend way before any of these shitty updates soo I'm still stickin to my word