I want that channel to burn in hell
Well. Let's see what happens
someone reply to this
I just lost 99 brain cell thanks.
Here we go
[quote]good cause[/quote]
[quote][quote]good cause[/quote][/quote]
lol wow
Thought my generation was gonna ruin the world... Then you go and show me this...
[quote]Thought my generation was gonna ruin the world... Then you go and show me this...[/quote]
Is this GTA VI
Brainwashing kids in America... ...funny Almost as hilarious WW3 will be, on it's front lawn
I'm sorry I couldn't finish it. I can't take these girls seriously.
I saw this when it first came out. //Uber-cringe
My brain exploded because if this video. Thanks m8.
No problem! Apparently there's a part 2 to this too...
-blam!-ing hell I cringed so bad Some people can't accept how reality works My dad shouldn't have to fight in court for three years because my mentally retarded mom says he hurt her when there's 0 evidence against him. However, when he says that she was physically and mentally abusive towards him and his children, and supplies textbooks worth of evidence, they still believe her... For THREE YEARS. These bitches should stfu and see just how good they've got it.
Oh god. Good jelly gOD on crispy toast. I lost; I cringed. The factual incorrectness, the exploitation of those children, this terrible use of music and the godawful script did it; they made me physically cringe. -blam!-. I am done. I literally can't live anymore. Goodbye world. I hope heaven doesn't exist so I don't have to meet more of those people. Bye. /wrists /life