oh. Ive never seen one fo those. neither fought one.
Many haven't
well. *throws away the trnch coat, revealing the fitrhing outift* Always a first time.
*He bows and waits for you*
Get ready. *SSB intor* [b]SALAZAR[/b] Gonna F you up. *takes ocmbat positon*
*He taunts you to make the fists move*
*stares wihtout even ving as a tumbleweed passes by*
*head starts teaming* i cant hold it!!!!!!!!!! STEAMING SHOCKWAVE!!!!!!! *the arms turn into huge mahcines as i striek th gorund sending a shockwav towards you*
*The Shockwave is sent back*
*jumnps ove rit* Fight like a man *left and right hook* PISTON STORM! *a piston powered storm of right jabs followed by a pisotn powered Upercut*
*He uses telepathy to make you miss* "Your mind isn't concentrated enough*
*he is hitted by all* Telephaty doesnt work on even the smallest of Gods, you shoudl know that.
I am hte god of machines, even if I aint inrmortal i am immune to mind control and other Mental tricks
It's telepathy, it's not like that Jedi stuff
*grabs you by the neck* If you where as conctrated in fithign with your real body as you o with your mind *Literal axe kicks* YOu would be a better fighter.
*As you grab me your mind begins buzzing and you let me go*
*you recieve an axe kick to the head* How about you stop trying to make me miss and attack. *summons God amor but only places the helmet* I hate telephths when thy think they can stop someone who is crooked Helmet based of the one Magneto used. Now shwop me you can do somehting besides tring to manipulate my mind. *right hook*
*Dodges and sets you on fire*
YOuve clearly never foguth soemone form Mars. *grabs and suplex*
*Claps my hand and the shockwave pushes you back, I then jam your machinery*
*pucnehs you again* I am nto using a Machine abily right now but good try SALAZAR PUCNH!!!!!! *full power pucnh knocks you down*
*Makes your blood boil in the hand, making it go limp* "Hehe"
*turns into a machine then grabs you* YOu are an insult to combat *grabs you* If you haven tever heard GOds fdont bleed guess why? *THrowsz you into the ground* Learn to fight liek a real Warrior. SALAZAR ALFA PUNCH! *punches you into the ground digging you deeper intot eh ground, then starts stomping your face*