I volunteer to be the groups Explosive Expert.
- Convincing young boys that 57 Virgins await them.
-Home made explosives. Out of anything! Even your dead dog!
-Taking an innocent cause... And turn it into something completely screwed up.
-Great at yelling the words "Alluha Albar"
And finally I'm reaaally good at being a friking moron. What more could you possibly want?
Seriously. That's not even funny, you're just pissing on everyone's enjoyment. So what, you don't like RP? Don't go and dreaming troll the hell out of people who do.
But.... But... Its fun.....
No. It's being a prick to everybody else. Call me salty if you will, but I'm in a pussy mood and do not want to put up with any bullshit.
Lol m8 im done trolling.. Ive had my shitz and giggles. Some other day