Assuming Xbox live is down exactly the way it was yesterday.. messages won't send, but game invites do. Tell all your buddies to download skype on their Xbox ones, it will automatically give them an account off their Xbox live email. Find each other and use Skype for party chat and invite each other into a game and play. Skype on Xbox will use your headset so play some crucible, run some missions, do whatever. No extra accessories or kinect. Just controller and headset.
If looking to find raids with players, that won't be done unless the party is comfortable with no communication. Just message people on here instead of live. But communication is usually a must so play with a buddy today instead.
Now this is assuming it is down the same way it was yesterday, if it isn't and game invites won't send, then this won't work. Also remember messages do not send as well.
Have a nice night guys. Hope this works out for you. Again I don't have any buddies on atm so I can't test to see if it's down the same way as yesterday.