What do you think? I don't really see how its worthy of being an exotic right now. with tracking it would be a good weapon.
Edit: please motivate your answer as well. :)
edit: just got my 2nd dragons breath from a legendary engram. still no ghorn though. damn
Napalm effect if the solar flare touches you or anything in it.
Tracking is bad. If it's REALLY that big of a struggle to aim at the enemy feet instead of having to ADS for 3 seconds and waste time you could be shooting, then you shouldn't be using rockets. Honestly, I wish my Gjally had something like clown cartridge for the hence at free rockets.
No. Tracking shouldn't be the only thing that makes a rocket launcher good. They need to rework it's exotic perk. Maybe change it to something that sticks to enemies or napalm that burns all enemies that get hit.
It my ACTUALLY be good. (For once)
Flare sticks to bosses. Proximity detection. Fixed.
They weren't gonna give all exotic launchers tracking tho, is one reason I think they did it. It could at least have grenades and horseshoes tho
No to the tracking. Since it's considered a skill shot, how about rewarding your skill by having the flare stick to its target.
Either tracking or a major velocity buff
Just make the locking on sound while aiming [spoiler]60% of the time it works every time[/spoiler]
Giving it remote control would have been a nice feature lol
Edited by Leo: 4/19/2015 5:50:57 PMI doesnt need tracking because it has so huge blast radius
If it ignited enemies, it would be perfect, but since it doesn't , it is just goid
Nope, would take away one of the main points of it - blocking enemies of There's nothing really wrong with it as is. If I were to change anything then it would be to give the Solar Flare DoT so that even when enemies ran away from it they still took damage. Alternatively make the flare stick to whatever it hits
Increased velocity sure tracking no. You need to be able to put that solar flare where you want not have it track and veer of course.
No, but it needs the Flares buffed by 100%
No, it should stick to the WWII flavor and have proximity detonation.
I think the flare should work like a sticky grenade
Max velocity and blast radius, with a much higher rate of fire. Make it like a real A10.
The solar flare should have a gravitational pull for its duration.
Either tracking or more Velocity
It should ignite enemies when it hits. Not sure about tracking cause flames from a dragon really dont track.
No. Should hit and stick and burn though
Atleast proximity
Flare needs to do more damage, and it should stick/follow targets and ignite them.
Proximity detention sounds nice.
If not tracking, make it more 'special'. How about instead of it holding 3 shells in its tube, it holds four. Meaning more rockets.