What spaceship you dont see around too much ? I never seen the exotic ship it must be a myth 😑
Whatever the -blam!- the hard crota ship is called
The gloryhole ship lol... no seriously check my lock
I still use aspect of glass on all my characters, the majority of ships I get I don't like.
I've got Visible Hand, only seen one or two others on random videos
Extinction event is where it's at. Also if you guys need aspect of the glass let me know I literally have 25+ between 3 characters hehe starting a used sparrow, ship dealership buy 1 aspect of the glass and get another one free! #demdeals
Aurora Lance
Still hunting the dead orbit ship the fermi solution I am total rank 56 across 3 characters and still no ship
Titan: crypthammer or quite content damsel Hunter: aurora lance or ns66 highwater Warlock: fangs of nyx or laughing behind your back.
Warlock - Outrages Fortune/Slipper Misfit Hunter - Scorpio Miracle/Highwater Titan - LRV Javelin LOL My Titan is the only one that flies an Uncommon ship. Occasionally I switch it to Ripship Pardoner. Or the Arcadia Class.
Arcadia Class Jumpship check out my titan
Aspect of Glass
Birth of History until i get a Fermi Solution or another rare ship.
Aries Ascendant, Little Light and TickTock Inquisitor.
Fermi Solution
Rope to heaven. If I had one of the xwings...
Little light
Aspect of Glass
Bane of the Dark Gods now most of the time. I've spent a large time with Gloriole Jump tho and I switch to her often
An uncommon ship on my titan I bought from the ship lady because i liked the looks of it and a common ship on my warlock that I got doing the story mission on a new character also because I like the way it looks. I'm hoping to one day get the new monarchy ship.
Bane of the dark gods
Jealous of sweeper bot. - old
The Fermi Solution Like a boss -
I fly the Aspect of Glass
Ketch me if you can
Firespray 31 patrol and attack craft... Be jealous
I don't need a ship to fly... I just do.