*drives us to floodzone bar*
[b]that's [/b] where i live
*drives up to floodzone* That'll be $1,000.00
Pay you in chocolates :p
*slaps you* I don't like chocolate
Sexual favours?
But I'm skint... :(
Then I'm gonna have to Kill you
Why are you so mean??!!
Why did u board a taxi while broke?
Erm .. Because... .....I'm...... I was robbed.. And. ..I had all my Money stolen
Did I mention you look beautiful today Julie? ;)
*steps out of taxi* Thats it! *turns into gargoyle* How [i]beautiful [/i] am I [b]NOW???[/b]
I love it when your angry Julie ;D *pulls you into the back of taxi for sexy time*
[spoiler]*is in gargoyle form, does not fit in taxi*[/spoiler][spoiler]&[/spoiler][spoiler]no.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]stop playing hard to get[/spoiler] [spoiler]outdoor sexy time is fine if can't fit in taxi[/spoiler]
Are you la chef as in a female chef? Or a chef from l.a?
Neither. La is French= The, Lachef = The chef. [spoiler]big hint of my profession[/spoiler]
Isn't it supposed to be Le?
Probably, I did put LeChef in but it looked too feminine.
La [b]IS[/b] feminine in spanish