Just this aspect alone would add longevity and replayability!!! I miss setting up games and playing free for all's against friends..... That's one of the things I loved about Halo (not comparing Destiny and Halo... I had a decent amount of fun in MW2 and GoW with custom games as well) and one of the main things I hated about Titanfall (other than the laundry list of others...).
So please...... PLEASE!!!!!!
Edit: Here's an idea that might actually appeal to Bung-vision/Acti-gie.
If you just build the basic custom game, something even resembling Halo 1 (I'd prefer Halo 3's though) the community would literally create it's own content! We could entertain ourselves while we're waiting on the DLC's (not expansions, don't kid yourself).
And if you added forge..... omg..... We would literally create our own maps! Bring back the file share system!!! (just without the shitty bungie plus paid for crap...) We would essentially free up dev's!
Look we know you're no stranger to custom games or forge bungie.... come on.... Just cause Destiny is a new IP doesn't mean you can't use basic principles of shooters that you yourself basically set! Halo isn't the only game with custom lobbies and level designers, you can't get in trouble for using them too!
Just think about it.... We would create our own content that we'd spend hundreds of hours playing with only a single update from you (unless it's just broken at first).
In short. To start we NEED custom PVP game lobbies. I'd love to see custom strikes (with ABSOLUTELY ZERO REWARDS OF ANY KIND), or hell even just private strikes where we could choose the level, modifiers and randoms couldn't hop in. Finally even a basic forge would produce an enormous amount of content and hours played!!!
So again...
Please...... PLEASE!!!!!!
Played this game over a thousand hours, without customs this game is empty.