I am personally a NHL fanboy, don't even bother with NBA,
Now you choose ! Also I'm a CALGARY FLAMES FAN
McDavids career is over before it even started to all the oilers fans 😂
Canucks will be out of the playoffs tonight
Both are fun but LETS GO RANGERS!!
Most ( not all ) ppl that are into NBA are playing sports games.....call of duty....and GTA right now........
Let's get a destiny hockey players clan goin. Blades of Crota? Old Russia Brawlers? Having a brain fart coming up with names haha
Edited by THE COUNT DANTE: 4/19/2015 9:05:43 PMIn hockey, guys take vulcanized rubber to the face and pull their teeth out on the bench so they don't miss a shift. In basketball, they flop and dive and we are supposed to be impressed when they play with a Charlie horse. Hockey players are warriors. Basketball players are pansies. Lord Stanley of Preston's Cup, there is no substitute.
Go MTL go!!!
Not #destiny
Hockey all the way! Oh and go leafs!
Neither. But if I have to choose...... Go Atlanta Hawks!!!!
Go wings!!
Go wings
I'm rooting for you put this on #offtopic
Lets go RED WINGS!
Hockey players love boys
Not much of a fan of either since there's series. If it was one game elim, I would watch.
Go Blackhawks, go Bulls.
I don't like either because to many teams get in
I grew up with hockey so nhl for me. Go habs go!!!!!!!
NHL ! Conner mcdavid to Edmonton! Wow 4 of the past 6 years Edmonton had gotten the first overall draft pick . ------------------------------------ Dead Orbit Shaders - Revenant and The Hanged Man https://youtu.be/PZFg8WUZcZY New Sepiks Prime Cheese Spot Glitch http://youtu.be/KLBPtMEMt-g New Venus Loot Cave/Fallen Majors http://youtu.be/9yGPDHUm-00 Jumping a Nova Bomb http://youtu.be/grrLtrqcv_k My Ghost Killing a Dreg LOL https://youtu.be/ZMUXQE3Up0U VOG Door Glitch https://youtu.be/BQXw33Ql_Ys Window Glitch Crota's End Raid https://youtu.be/PHGTAdATJdU Getting the Crux of Crota http://youtu.be/mioHxfcwSgo EASY Crota Hard Mode Raid Best Strategy http://youtu.be/XsCzX_4ayn0 Sticky Grenade Kills BEST (PVP) http://youtu.be/cDVUfe1RYGI Sticky Grenade Kills (PVP) #2 http://youtu.be/vMWFHMi0luk Getting the GHJALLAHORN through a legendary engram http://youtu.be/yBsFGrgaat8 Husk of the Pit Drop Location http://youtu.be/GcII5EZfWIc ------------------------------------
Go Wild!!
Go Kings Go?
MLB all day. Take your silly frozen lakes and bouncy balls elsewhere plebs