I am personally a NHL fanboy, don't even bother with NBA,
Now you choose ! Also I'm a CALGARY FLAMES FAN
McDavids career is over before it even started to all the oilers fans 😂
Canucks will be out of the playoffs tonight
Golden State Warriors boy! NBA
MLB playoffs. I don't watch basketball or hockey
I'm Canadian, hockey wins.
Go Cavs! #NBA
Nhl (in Canadian). Hoping the habs keep their momentum
Go Hawks!!! (Blackhawks)
Off topic? And NHL
My team has been out of contention for a long time but I would love to see your flames go far in the playoffs. Might teach the Oilers how to rebuild a team. Prob not though, Kevin Lowe is an idiot. [spoiler]I'm a diehard leaf fan. I know, I know...[/spoiler]
Go Stars! What do you mean they didn't make the playoffs? This sucks. I'm going to go play Destiny then.
Blackhawks going all the way!! Finally got Crawford out of goal.
Sad to see so many Canadians on the forums. ;)
Go Habs Go!
8 seeds gonna take down a 1 seed, GO PENS
Despite the only two good teams in the league are out (Bruins and Avalanche), the NHL is the only sport outside of UFC worth watching. I mean, I am Canadian after all. :)
How about both??? I like and watch most sports...
Go jets go!
People actually watch basketball? :s
NHL. Go wings
I'd much rather watch a game where it's a challenge to score. Cheer for every basket, and you won't have a voice left. NHL all the way.
Wtf you talking about
NHL is more intense. It seems as if the game goes up an entire level and to a whole new intensity in playoffs. Hits are harder, plays more perfect, goal tenders more on their game. I went to the Dallas Anaheim game that is now listed in the top 5 longest in NHL history. Was awesome.
Could a ninja please get this thread where it belongs.
Let's go Rangers!