So has anyone else received a nickname from their fireteam to shorten or mess with your gamertag? What are they? Howd ya get them?
Example: Most People call me Slinger or V.Z online (my gamertag is same is destiny forum name) To shorten it but an odd one ive been called in a VoG raid was Verizon, because i guy in the team couldnt figure it out during the raid (i dropped in at templar fight and he was pre occupied lol) and saw the vz, it stuck for the whole raid and anytime i was needed they called me Verizon.
I hope i get some good and funny stories guardians, so let me hear em.
Edit one:thank you for the replies and keep them coming, you've kept a house husband busy today (got sniped twice by hobgoblins during daily reading responses lol) and ive had some major lolz everyone read these responses because these guardians have been in similar or worse and it resulted in some hilarious nicknames.
Edit2: thanks for all the responses again, sorry i quit replying got caught up putting up a roof and now i dont think ill ever catch up lol
I've been called vixie, numbers, numbers guy, vi, vx, Roman numerals, and Roman
My old gamertag used to contain the word "Ubiytsa" (Russian for assassin), but they some guys on my very first Hard Vog team, decided to call me Ubisoft.
Best gamer tag I've seen to date is "daddygoesindry"
My name is CRAB JUANTONS and u wouldn't believe how many people call me crab junctions
I played with a guy named "BigBootyGandalf"
I spelled assassin wrong so my friends call me dark ass aisan
Rumpleforeskin. If you see this brotha, kudos.
Mine is AKaotikRobot I'm called Kaotik Robot Kaotik robot AK Robo Kaotik m8
Best gamertag over ever seen wasn't on Destiny but it was isqzzoutdiahreeah
Mine is ChewKing7634 Some call me King Chew Chewy Chewking Chewyking?
Saw a name called Xbox turn off for some reason everyone want to go off line around him
Edited by Agent Bankss: 5/4/2015 2:09:16 PMI screenshotted a gamer tag during a strike but Idk how to put it on here. So I'll just tell you guys. WhoStoleMyLube. So when we played with him we called him lube. So he will now forever be called Lube, The Stolen.
Noooope. Chuck Testa with another realistic mount.
Edited by Lykaios Osiris: 5/7/2015 10:15:21 PMI get called Randal as my gamertag is RandalMcVandal on xbox, It used to be TheKarateBanana
Edited by okaybigguy: 5/4/2015 11:57:10 PMName: ShlongMcWeiner Clan: Men With No Pants
I rarely hear people call me "blacksmith", they would either call me "black" or "smith".
I've been called kanyes baby before in VoG lol same gt as my destiny name
Sting..... idk why, can't they read it?
Edited by WIGGLE MY WORM: 5/4/2015 2:24:47 PMEveryone I drop in the first thing I hear is its Mr wiggle...wiggle wiggle wiggle I be you get that a lot? Me - sigh ya anyone that's never met me I wish they would come up with something different. Ppl that play with me day in and day out call me worm other than that it's any variations of my gt.
People usually call me Pickles
People during my second to last raid called me Warlock Jesus
Someone called me ishallbeunbeatenable