So has anyone else received a nickname from their fireteam to shorten or mess with your gamertag? What are they? Howd ya get them?
Example: Most People call me Slinger or V.Z online (my gamertag is same is destiny forum name) To shorten it but an odd one ive been called in a VoG raid was Verizon, because i guy in the team couldnt figure it out during the raid (i dropped in at templar fight and he was pre occupied lol) and saw the vz, it stuck for the whole raid and anytime i was needed they called me Verizon.
I hope i get some good and funny stories guardians, so let me hear em.
Edit one:thank you for the replies and keep them coming, you've kept a house husband busy today (got sniped twice by hobgoblins during daily reading responses lol) and ive had some major lolz everyone read these responses because these guardians have been in similar or worse and it resulted in some hilarious nicknames.
Edit2: thanks for all the responses again, sorry i quit replying got caught up putting up a roof and now i dont think ill ever catch up lol
Someone called me ishallbeunbeatenable
Most people call me vin chow sun or vin chow and ask if i'm Chinese lol
I'm Klitler
I've seen "Tresticles" before.
I raided with a guy called joe pesci's fist and I called him fisty the entire way through the raid
People call me Skid or Skiddy my GT is same as my profile name here
Lord Cheesus
Wasent on destiny, but I have been called Yumm-Bumm. Also little kids seem to have the habit of calling me YummyBear... I hate it so much...
Seen one guy named turdfurgison
I get called hob or 69
Edited by staticmowry: 5/3/2015 1:57:29 AMGot called station other day my psn is same as here lol guess he saw the letters "S" and "T" and went with it
Gonna change mine to rectangular pancake or to congruent silverware.
My friend gets called ebola assjuice
Inb4 futt bucker
People call me either "not", "pro" or "gamer"
I was in a ghosts game and won, then I hear the enemy team go: (in a mexican accent) "Nublie? NUBLIE? Sooks? Ello?" [spoiler] it was the first day after I changed my name too. [/spoiler]
Most people call me spartan. My xbox gt is how it shows above.
I'm always just called Epic. I love hearing people rage...
My gt on Xbox 360 is diamondtroll98 So I usually get called diamond Though, one time in CE normal I met a guy named mr Wilson We were yelling his name and laughing for hours
My gamertag is A DVS NTT, read as "A Devious Entity". Was doing a drunk Vault run and a guy was too drunk to read my name so he just referred to me as Deez Nuts and his buddy would say "Goteem!" every time. Was pretty amusing.
Saw Acid_Diarrhea yesterday lol
My Xbox gamer tag is ThreeDeex and people call me tree.. Or deex (de-ks )
I think mine is unique its take several people a few minutes to get it but most call me Hollywood for some reason
I call the Queen of the Reef "The Queef" if that counts