So has anyone else received a nickname from their fireteam to shorten or mess with your gamertag? What are they? Howd ya get them?
Example: Most People call me Slinger or V.Z online (my gamertag is same is destiny forum name) To shorten it but an odd one ive been called in a VoG raid was Verizon, because i guy in the team couldnt figure it out during the raid (i dropped in at templar fight and he was pre occupied lol) and saw the vz, it stuck for the whole raid and anytime i was needed they called me Verizon.
I hope i get some good and funny stories guardians, so let me hear em.
Edit one:thank you for the replies and keep them coming, you've kept a house husband busy today (got sniped twice by hobgoblins during daily reading responses lol) and ive had some major lolz everyone read these responses because these guardians have been in similar or worse and it resulted in some hilarious nicknames.
Edit2: thanks for all the responses again, sorry i quit replying got caught up putting up a roof and now i dont think ill ever catch up lol
I call the Queen of the Reef "The Queef" if that counts
my gamertag is ICUP yellow but most people call me yellow
My friend's nickname is Fruity Booty lol
My fireteam nickname is generally Kirito dual burrito said in a Mexican accent
People call me "Pair-a-dix creams" or "pair-a-cox creams"....I have to mute my mic so they dont hear me crying.....
My Xbox 360 gamer tag is "mike hawk" and I always laugh when people try to say it...say it 5 times out loud as fast as you can!
Edited by Turtlessssssss: 4/28/2015 10:37:24 PMSo this isn't exactly a nickname but a random group and I were doing Ce and during the bridge encounter someone said "So who's going to sword at crota?" I had already said I would and another guy said "I think that frog guy said he would" Lik Wut
I saw a guy named bilbo swaggins
*in the tower ThePoopThatTookAPee waves to FlyinZombie
My friends XBOX gamer tag is Lilam10 and we nicknamed him Likam10
I saw these two in the Tower a few days ago: - stfu_gtfo - Gonorrhea_hurts
My GT: is Lil_Savage254 but people address me as "salvage" lol
Best one I have seen was cervical_sniper
Haha hella funny posts. I get called kittie a lot. But understand why. Still funny when I hear it.
My gt is obviously GATORSFTW94 Most people address me as Gator. But when they attempt to pronounce my gamer tag for some reason people call me gatorswift lol.
Mine is pronounced born yoot but someone called me barn ootee
People just call me beefy. It hurts after awhile...
My gt is "Im So Zesty" and everytime I join a fireteam someone sings "Fancy" by Iggy Azelea but switches fancy with zesty......every time
Was called Siri repeatedly gt is chirish1025. Pronounced shy rish
My gamer tag on Xbox is MyHoneysBeaver so when I played Cod I would be able to put 4 letter clan tags in front of it like ilic, ilik, and Ilov.
People say Jimmeh, but they say it like Timmy from South Park. "JIMMEEEH"