Exalin has been destroyed.
Details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vj9E8shvCgFgLYanAhuWdIgcHRjMo4tF-OECun2L2Y8/mobilebasic?pli=1
Hired by Del Fino Corporation the Exalin team is hired to clear planet Thorisis Headquarters of a specimen that escaped Exalin intact and is multiplying on this planet. Populated by 3 trillion people, the situation is dire as the entire HQ is overrun. Currently curbed within the HQ, the team must exterminate the creatures before they spread out of control.
*As the group continue battling with the Nightbringer and the Overmind, the Queen is still behind her barrier, safe from all of the action*
*The Nightbringer readies himself in a combat stance, welcoming all attackers*
*The Overmind does the same, but instead taunting those around him, in a very mockingly manner*
*The Queen watches, with a smirk on her face, clearly thinking*
[spoiler]Just choose who you're going to face.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]No need to complicate things.[/spoiler]
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