It's on both systems, when you are in you character stat page it is the top right corner stat.
Luckily they did add a ring for the Xbox one version that will block you from gaining anymore souls while you're wearing it. You can buy the ring from an npc named straid.
Hmmm need to find him, and what soul level are you both soul memory and stated level?
He is in the lost bastille, it will require a fragrant branch of yore to access him. In regards to the soul level soul memory deal, I'm not entirely sure how it works or what the matchmaking gaps are.
I found a good thing on a wiki pertaining to soul memory. And I'll have to look up where to find that guy. Also know of any good boss soul weapons that are worth the soul? Have a ton but have no idea what to use for souls and what to use for boss weapon.
Pursuer's UGS is pretty good. If you like massive weapons that is.
Hate that weapon when other people use it.
Straid is one of two npcs that can exchange a weapon or spell for boss souls. I've never used to many of them myself.