If you were drafted for Vietnam would you run?
Knowing what I know now? Yes. I'm Not patriotic, nor do I care enough about politics to be duped into dying for this country. Not knowing? See above.
I would take chopper pilot school then move to Hawaii and work with my buddy who is a private investigator and drives a Ferrari
Hard to say what I would have done if I'd been raised in the time. Knowing what I know about the war now, yes.
Depends what year.
Vietnam? There was really no reason to send 500,000+ troops. We basically didn't want the north to take over the south and spread communism. Btw about 50,100 u.s troops died during Vietnam.
I get to kill poor ass bastards. What's not to like?
No. I would serve my time. I would either learn to enjoy it or I would deal with it. Running would make make me feel disgusted with myself and cowardly.
I have flat feet and celiac. I don't think I can even enter the military.
I will only ever comply with a draft if the US is invaded/attacked.
Its called moving to Canada
Vietnam? Nah. WWII? Yes.
I wouldn't dare run. My dad served and so did his dad. I would just take on what they did. I wouldn't be afraid and run even if I knew I wasn't coming back. I would much rather fight defending a country I love than run away.
they wouldn't dare use me for anything, it would cost to much to fix me before I even got to the war.
Nope because once the military sees my medical profile they'll either send me home or make me a general.lol
History has shown that a smaller, willing military is far more effective than a larger, forced military. The U.S. Military won't revert to drafting people unless it is absolutely necessary. The selective service was put into action, and remains in place, to combat conflict that is considered to be on a global scale. WW 1 & 2 were good examples of the necessity of a draft, but the Vietnam campaign showed how drafting unwilling soldiers can have a negative effect.
This post belongs a while back
Wow dude, this post is [i]very[/i] late. But yeah if the draft me today to go fight in nam, I'm definitely gonna hit the Mexican blackbird.
At this point in history, I don't trust my country and many nations don't trust us either. We are constantly in everyone's business, yet we refuse to deal with the problems in our own backyard. One example would be completely ignoring the Mexican Drug Cartels, while we send troops to the Ukraine to train their soldiers even though Germany and France advised us not to. I am ashamed to call myself an American.
Edited by DukeOfStuffing: 4/22/2015 2:08:03 PMFor Vietnam? Jesus Christ, duhh? I'd rather be in jail than dead in a jungle.
I'm thinking about signing up, but Vietnam! Hell no
For Vietnam? Hell -blam!-ing yes my ass would be gone
Fight kill and die for my country
I don't wanna be drafted. I'm a pacifist. I don't like fighting and war, yet I play games like halo and destiny.
Prolly not
I would most likely dodge. Not out of fear, but out of the fact that I'm a sovereign human being that is owned by no person or institution and cannot be made to do something against my will. But if our country needed help to defend our soil and asked for volunteers, I'd gladly join the fight.