Oh man.... *gets popcorn*
Yup *turns a page in my book*
Whatcha reading?
It's my black book on spells and curses even enchantments *I pull out a straight razor and sharpen it then smile* How about a shave? [spoiler]do you get the reference[/spoiler]
Uhhhh.... No.... Thank you? [spoiler]ya pretty sure I get it. Forget where it's from though....[/spoiler]
*I put away the straight razor* That's good because I'm not a very good barber [spoiler]it's from the movie Sweeney Todd[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ahhhh....nvm I guess I don't get it. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]this might help you understand[/spoiler]
*watches from a distance reading my black book*
*Drops down from the roof* *Ejects hidden blade in left hand and pulls out M-3 Predator pistol with the other* Your move.
A pistol and a blade? Well, the blade should serve my purpose well. *i fire a charged Ice Beam at your feet*
*Rolls out of the way and fires multiple hollow point bullets at you*
*bullets ping off my armor, dealing minimal damage to my armor* Gonna have to try harder than that. *i charge you, firing two missiles*
*I dodge missile one but take minor splash damage from missile 2* *I charge and manage to scratch your armor with my hidden blade deep enough that it pierces your armor* You want me to try? I'll try.
Oh. Suit, damage report! "Armor at 70%. Energy at 75%. Damage to operator, minimal." Good. *i charge you again* Shinespark! *i leap at you when my speed booster activates, energy coursing off my armor as I fly toward you.
*I begin glowing orange with rage and charge at you as well, Hidden blades extended and pointed at you*
*The energy of my Shinespark causes your blades to bounce off, and I slam into you with full force of my Shinespark*
*i have built up enough rage that I'm shining a very bright orange* *I have gained enough strength from my rage that I begin pushing you back*
Oh, nice. *i tap my hip, and pull a clip from a chamber that just popped out* *i load it into my cannon, and it starts leaking pure light* *i fire a charged light beam into your face*