*Commandos begin walking around The Dojo, asking about Vex and his whereabouts, there is a bounty out for Vex's capture.*
....hmmmm.... What is the bounty?
64.5 billion gold ingots (or preferred currency) Weapons/armor/ship upgrade Empire Reputation
Hmmm... Make that 64 MILLION
So why would we lower the bounty?
Because we're saving up money for when Freddy goes rogue :p
Well we have a surplus Why is freddy going rogue :/
Oh sorry. IF he goes rogue. I was drinking last night...
Interesting. What is the bounty for? Who employed it?
The Empire
What for?
He has gone rogue
Like...LENNY rogue? Or rogue,rogue?
Like Rogue... His mind is shattered
*apraahces* What do yo want?
"We are looking for information on Vex's whereabouts, there is also a bounty for his capture."
Meh. I dont liek the emprie nor Vex, But oeer all the Empire
I dont know neihter care where he is
This could affect all of us... And the bounty is high
But i prefer Vex over the empire and I am rich. And second *elobw pucnhes htne goes to comabt stance* Vex is a robot so as God of MAhcines i will protect him
Vex isn't exactly a robot... And he has gone rogue.
And what if i knew where he at and decided not to say so