I haven't seen a post like this in the forums, so please don't roast me.
Okay, imagine if there was a Crucible playlist that restricted all Exotic weapons? (And possibly exotic armor?)
I still have a bunch of guns I loved to use in Crucible, but can't use them anymore because of all the Thorns, Last Words, etc.
I'd love to dust off my old Shadow Price and Devil You Know, and a playlist like this would really let them shine.
What do you think?
Edit 1: I realize some ledgendaries can still be used in Crucible, but I'd rather just not have to worry about being killed by an Exotic.
I just want a little variety, that's all.
Edit 2: Not saying Exotics are stupid or should be taken out or anything ridiculous. O=I just want to play something that makes it so everyone has to mix it up. If you recall Halo's "Action Sack" Playlist, you'd know what I mean.
[quote]The counters for shotguns and fusions are the exotics, so basically, it'll be a close combat mode.[/quote]