Puny? Lol, You want to know the definition of puny? PUNY: A warlock/Titan who try's to jump in front of a Khvostov while trying to protect a level 32, from nothing, since the 32 already golden guned the level 18,
There are some warlock apprentices out there I know. We need to teach em the ways of the dark side first.... !!! Hunters fall apart quickly... How it is...
Warlocks would easily lose to the hunters since the hunters supers easily would own warlocks, knocking out five or six warlocks per super, while hunters can easily dodge nova bombs and go invisible while a warlock is picking his nose
1v1 me in crucible baby... ^^ I'm warlock from the beginning then hunter for a while I have better stats on hunter but it is not the same. Warlocks give u more protection cuz of their fast recovery hunters are just glass cannons... Each to his own... Though warlocks are better <333 ;))))
You do know you can change the stats to match any class right?
Hey Dredgen, I 3d printed the thorn, that okay with you? It's a beast of a gun
Nah it's cool, keep slaying
*shoots while speaking* WOOHOO!!!