It's been more than five months, why is this not a priority when lobbies with restrictions would fix literally every balance issue overnight and give you a legitimate 'competitive' community?
Will we even see this before destiny 2?
Keep bumping this, it's the biggest issue regarding PvP, make the devs give us a response, and only requires two seconds of your time.
Edit- highest reply post with no dev response, why is such a large voice being ignored?
At this point in the game PvP is all I got left. Raids fun but after you and your crew all got the raid gear this game gets stale. With Trial of Osiris coming out I would think there is at least some sort of momentum being given to more attention being given to PvP. MLG tournaments draw viewers on Twitch, Twitch and MLG sells games,...DRAW ATTENTION. We all know this don't know why there not relaying more information to us after such a long inquiry is somewhat insulting. Good point bro and everyone else, wise words indeed!