I'm the taxi driver...
Where are you going?
Thanks for letting this die.
Edited by Hayabusam60: 4/21/2015 3:41:25 AMGo down 4 blocks and take a right, another right, and a left. Okay, pull to the curb right over there. Now, see that woman in the window? You see her? Good. I want you to see that woman because that's my wife. That's not my apartment. You know who lives there? A black guy lives there, and I'm going to kill him, there's nothing else, I'm going to kill him. Now, what do you think of that, hm? You don't have to answer that, you don't have to answer everything. I'm going to kill her, I'm going to kill her with a 44 magnum pistol. Have you ever seen what a 44 magnum would do to a woman's face? It would fu[i]c[/i]king destroy it. Just blow it right apart. Now, have you ever seen what it would do to a woman's pussy? Now, that you should see. I know that you must think that I'm, you know, pretty sick or something, you know? Right, you must think I'm pretty sick? You think I'm sick? I'm paying for the ride, you don't have to answer. [spoiler]Get the reference?[/spoiler]