msg me on xbox live for setting up an raid team (gt is same as above) if you wish to raid with me.
i have: titan 32(both subslasses maxed out), hunter 33(both subclasses maxed out), warlock 34 (both subclasses maxed out)
ascended gjallahorn
POE SKOLAS Defender titan needed with a 365 void sniper and weapons of light. Level 34+ GT: Project Ebola Message me for invite
Vault of glass hard mode need 1 more
Need 1 for trails.. Must be experience n lvl 34 n been to the light tower... Message frodoo24 for invite Max thorn is a plus
Crota fresh Normal going for armor 31+ get same as above message for invite
need 1 more for vog hard atheon cp. gt same
Crota's End, Hard, Crota cp, room for 4 and swordbearer needed, GT as above
looking for 32-34 poe send message on xbl gt same as above
need 3 more for vog hard oracles cp. gt same
need 2 for the 32 poe must have ghorn msg dangertacoman
need 2 for the 32 poe must have ghorn msg dangertacoman
Looking to do vog hard quick anx easy gt same as above
Need 2 for hard vog fresh Gt niahmia
need 2 for the 32 poe must have ghorn msg dangertacoman
Looking to do poe lvl 32 or 34 , inv me. Gt same as above.
35 poe need titan with good defender message VoidStar1
Looking to do poe lvl 32 or 34 , inv me. Gt same as above.
34hunter looking to kill skolas invite GT Lo1lypoopdeck
Vog normal msg me gamer tag Smobs11LOL xbox360 message me on xbox360
hello guys are willing to help to the prisons of the elders at 34, at 34 am hunter, I've ghorn. Send me a message my nickname is Assasins ITA in the message write PoE
34 Titan looking to do 32 34 and 35 PoE Gt same as above
Looking to do crota normal fresh. Msg DemonicCricus for invite
2 34 titans and a 34 warlock looking for crota hard cp or deathsinger cp. Have experience and 2 gallys. Message PaulyB1273
Level 27 Hunter looking to run his first Normal vog raid! I have a Mic also. Message @stamballz
Lvl 33+ warlock upgraded gally Looking to play Crota normal invite stick2yourguns7
Need one for poe lvl 32 at boss must be experienced 33+ msg for invite