Having never played one of these games before, is it worth $60?
Worth every penny. You know what this game is giving me that I haven't felt in a long time? A sense of accomplishment. You die a lot at the beginning and then when you learn to respect the game and what it has to teach you about patience and preparation you really get focused. Taking out any of the bosses in this game feels like a major victory, and at the same time means nothing because there's always another one right around the corner waiting to teach you a lesson. -blam!- yeah it's worth 60 bux.
Yes, however heed my warning, smelter demon is waiting for a new victim
Lol that ass. I just summoned Lucatiel to take some of the aggro off me and then I laid him out. I'm a filthy scrub, but he's a dead asshole.
I swear he got more annoying even though he has the same move set as dark souls 2 lol.
At least it's good preparation for the fume knight, now THAT GUY can die in a hole.
I actually like fighting the fume knight lol. Back when the DLC dropped that guy kicked my ass at least 15 times. I almost rage quit, but I kept pushing and I finally beat the asshole and felt like a god lol. After that I put my summon sign down and fought him a bunch before the next DLC came out and got really good at taking him out =p.
Yes. If you like games that challenge you, mentally
Very yes much pleasure
imo, yes. yes it is.
Do you like challenges and no help? If not, it's probably not for you. If you can't decide, rent first
I can handle the challenge and welcome it honestly. Might rent it though
Oh yes