I'll be LFG'ing this NF x 3 later on.. if one of the player jumps up to hide and snipe I'll boot him on the spot.
It's a triple burn WITHOUT Lightswitch.. get your ass into the fight!
What do you think Arena will be? A stand back and hide fest? I'm all for limiting damage but completely avoiding the fight is for pussies.
You know that elemental damage goes both ways right? But I bet you don't even worry about that. You big macho man.
LoL looks like we got ourselves another camper.. No, I was completely unaware of the fact that the enemies cause 300% more damage with a burn modifier. Please, tell me more.
Camper? Sniping hobgoblins that can snipe you back is camping? Lmao. You're not very smart. Now I understand.
Ive been thinking the same thing, you've practically got 300% damage with any elemental gun, what's the point of hiding 3000km away and picking off one enemy per minute? Ive done this part solo before by staying near the door, if anyone gets too close, I shotgun them. Simple.
When you can solo this Nightfall, then you can talk. Having two others in your fireteam is a cheese.
Oh god. Not the Shanks! Not the Sha-(eviserated by ten shielded Shanks).
Shanks become 1000x more intimidating in a Nightfall. It's the revenge they exact on us because we always laugh at them everywhere else that isn't a Nightfall.
Imagine what will happen in the Prison of Elders.
Uh triple burn also means any elemental damage you take which is just about every enemy attack does more dame aswell so if you're going to boot someone just because they have a different play style than you that is kinda sad
I'm well aware of what a triple burn means. I just have no time for the kids who play this game and hide from even the slightest challenge. I also will be putting "no camping/sniping" in my forum post so as to avoid the lazy pot shotters. This is a three man fireteam challenge. Not every player has to stay alive the entire fight, half the fun is pulling off a creative revive. Hunter goes in visible, Titan pops a shield and a Warlock will self revive if being killed while doing the revive. I don't hide during ANY Nightfall - they are all easy to complete with brute force DPS attacks. I'm also the Relic holder and Swordbearer for the raids - guess I just like doing stuff that is slightly harder than standing back and shooting on command lol
Yeah I understand what you're saying I personally love to run in and shotgun but usually when I'm doing the nightfall I just want to get it done without having to wipe so I tend to play it safer
Yeah makes sense.. the simple fact a wipe sucks so bad makes me enjoy the challenge. The only time in the game where when you die it actually has a negative impact - they really should incorporate it into more stuff like raids or the Arena. People will be shitting if a wipe causes a complete restart lol
Yeah a nightfall modifier for harder raids would be cool something to up the ante
Triple Burn?!!!! gonna be fun, have three 32's characters to do it with tonight - I'm cool to party up depending what time you call "later on"
Uh, not when you can get one-shotted back to orbit...you can't Rambo the nightfall no matter what burn there is or isn't...
LoL you don't get one shot with a burn modifier. You get one shot with lightswitch AND arc burn. Beyond that even lightswitch alone won't one shot you. Also, you can easily run and gun all the NF's.. check youtube for speed runs there are loads of them. It's ignorance like this that I avoid by kicking campers.
How do you do Omnigul if you don't hide? I'd like to find a better way to get that crack ho without dying from that hordes she calls out...
Every boss is a NF can be easily melted with the proper strategy. For Omniwhore I like to have a WOL Titan drop a bubble on her platform. All three players proceed to unload their heavies followed up by Arc Shotguns. If done correctly she won't last more than 30 seconds. Thunderlord shreds her, Gally melts her. Shotties eat her alive. WOL will increase the damage on LMG's and Shotties not rockets so start with rockets, pop up a bubble and take away the last half of her health with shotties and LMG's (switch over from rockets).
I'll have to try that. Thanks for the tip!
Well good luck being one-shot by the AI I guess...