I'm not sure how many times I have to say this because this community won't get it through it's thick fat head:
Standing out of range of enemy fire is a CHEESE. Kids like you make me fear for the education system.
Middle strat for crota is not a cheese though, so that argument is invalid
[quote]Standing out of range of enemy fire is a CHEESE. Kids like you make me fear for the education system.[/quote] Who do you work for? Isis? It's kids like you who have asses we kick on a daily basis.
Myself actually. I'm a Lawyer. Kid? Unless I'm the Doogy Houser of law I don't think I qualify anymore. Also, ISIS is a product of the American media. That's not actually what the terrorist organization is called. But hey keep getting your information from CNN it seems to be doing you well so far LOL
[quote]Myself actually. I'm a Lawyer. Kid? Unless I'm the Doogy Houser of law I don't think I qualify anymore. Also, ISIS is a product of the American media. That's not actually what the terrorist organization is called. But hey keep getting your information from CNN it seems to be doing you well so far LOL[/quote] ...and this is why lawyers don't fight wars. Standing in the line of enemy fire when you could otherwise avoid casualties Is Really Really Stupid. My hats off to you and your dumb opinion on warfare. Keep on being responsible for higher insurance rates, because that's all you're good for.
are you stupid this post was like 2 weeks ago people like u need to go back to school
Edited by orthow: 5/5/2015 4:55:29 PMLoL I'm a Lawyer, I've had more education than your entire family of potato farmers LOL .. .but somehow posting on a forum not on the exact same date as the OP now results in a person's lack of education - mind blowing. Congrats for proving my original point.
Wow, all that education and you prove you're still an uncivilized retard.
I have to be careful in a nightfall
Edited by ReaganRhythm: 4/22/2015 4:46:34 PMLol. Relax dude. You're not changing anyone's mind over here. Just keep playing and stop bitching. Bungie doesn't care how you feel about their patch. Sorry you suddenly have to work harder since sniping is easy.
It's not about working harder it's about playing the game differently. Heaven forbid that happens though.
Exactly! A Sniper rifle is pretty pointless otherwise.
Reckless Grizzly
🇨🇦 - old
Well said! -
THANK YOU!!! I get tired of these charge in close Rambo types who think they can melee and shotgun a crowd of ultras with 20 other supporting enemies around them, and end up dying. Sorry.... they can stay dead until I can clear out the enemy enough to safely revive them. If killing the enemy from a distance wasn't a tactic I guess we wouldn't have SNIPER rifles or any other kind of long range weapons.
LoL You play like a pussy.. when you play sports you hide from the ball too? haha
Yeah exactly I totally agree with you
And it takes skill. Don't forget about the skill. Mmmmm skill.
Did you mention skill? Skill Serious skillage
Whaaaat?! You mean to tell me that it makes logical and tactical sense to use a sniper rifle from a distance?! Inconceivable! Boy, what sort of common sense heresy are you bringing to the forums? You pick up your shotgun right this instant and fight them red eyed tomato cans up close and personal. But seriously, I agree with you. Using a sniper rifle as far away from the enemy as possible is how that type of gun is suppose to be used. Why people (and bungie) can't fathom this is beyond me.
then why did bungie block the hobgoblin ledges in VOG
To answer your question good sir is because bungee is a bunch of assholes it's like every time we find of expulsion they try to knock us down and make it harder
[quote]then why did bungie block the hobgoblin ledges in VOG[/quote] Why didn't you check bungie's recent announcement regarding this issue before going full retard?
using a shotgun in pvp = tactics as well~