At least 5-6 hard mode completions so far (Yea Yea I know it's not a lot yet I'm working on it), only seen it drop a couple times, never for 2 people at once.
I have however gotten 3 Graverobber sparrows already
I could never get that grave robber sparrow. I got the ship but the sparrow is the only one I'm missing (and after getting the Crux, I am never going back to hard just to get a sparrow clone of the Timebreaker)
Yea its not a very exciting drop, especially when its no different from the Timebreaker. Bungie definitely dropped the ball. All they needed to do was make it look more like the Crota ships with the bones or whatever, and give it a sickly green contrail or something cool like that
Yeah, they did drop the ball with that one.