Stable servers that don't kick me constantly
Deff more shoulder charges in pvp along with more arccock and golden penis
A story. And cutscenes in the DLC.
Destiny 2? The -blam!- is a destiny 2? My mind is still trying to recover from the Fallout 4 MIND -blam!- I got a few days ago.
A storyline
Stuff to do! What is the point in creating a huge open world only to put nothing in it! No NPCs, quests etc. These need to be in 2
For one it isn't called destiny 2 it is called the taken king
Who says I want a Destiny 2, why cant we Refine Destiny and keep pumping out DLC
Money back from destiny
Transfer acoounts.
re-imagine the weapon elemental attribute system so that kinetic has perks that make it level with solar/void/arc which would have there own benefits. More weapon/armor models no xur(as he works now) pve factions more events more strikes/raids more gear options across the board the ability to develop my guardian's own exotic and have a lore background for it. more stuff for both hard core and casual players to have separate from each other. A better community(sorry but it's true) and more clan support/ group cause those are things. Customizable shaders limited to shifting where the colors are and maybe altering one color as to not remove the need to have shaders at all. more than just sparrows. More weapon types varients and perks to types of weapons.
Reduced lag in pvp.
The ability to float on water?
Story. More story. More PvP maps, more PvP modes, more weapons, bring all of my gear over, equip multiple exotics, and to be released only on next gen
Honestly, I probably will still not have a ghorn by the time destiny 2 comes out. They should make an exotic shop and have the ghorn for 500 coins
Akimbo gjallarhorn
Layers of liquids
A story the doesn't want me to hate Swiss cheese
Not be screw
Bigger world's more story
Ghallajorn is a starting weapon for all guardians.
Dual weilding, I now have two of the last word. And equipable swords, like the blades sword.
Vault space
3x content of Destiny One.
(Long list incoming) -[b]A new element type[/b]. Since everyone has come up with the "Every class is missing Void/Solar/Arc" theory, once they add those they can't keep those same classes forever. I don't have really any ideas on what they could be personally. -[b]Tower Activities[/b]. I want to be able to do something in the tower to just chill with my friends. Obvious things include Sparrow Races, a gun range, or a custom mini game like gambling or something. -[b]STORY[/b]. I really enjoy reading up on grimoire on the app but I mean come on. I know Bungie can make a great story and I want to see them do that. IN THE GAME! -[b]Content[/b]. While I have hundreds of hours in this game, it's mostly spent doing mindless activities such as bounties or daily story missions. I don't like that you can complete all the game's content available to you in literally two days. There's crucible but that gets boring for everyone eventually. I guess what I want is more activities that don't depend on the weekly reset.
What is Density? I've on heard of Destiny [spoiler]I know you didn't mean to say density [/spoiler]