A more expressive story.
For it to sink in water.
A game that doesn't feel like a chore to play. An in-game story. A balanced Crucible.
It would be cool to be able to walk around inside your ship and have missions where you actually use it for battle.
Density 2. Double the Density.
More than just 4 maps, bigger maps, better story missions (instead of every mission being deploy dinklebot and defend, rinse and repeat), no more "new" missions that are just old ones in reverse, an actual use for our space ships, bigger vault, vault on space ship (cause why would you store your weapons on earth when you're goin to Mars?), randomized enemies on patrols, much much bigger public events (more like defiance), better armor perks like % to ranged defense or melee defense or how about like the enemies have? Increased resistance to arc, solar or void. I'm sure I could list a ton more lol.
A game closer to an actual PVE game like Borderlands instead of every PVP shooter made in the last 20 years. I have no problem forgetting Bungie exists at this point.
Vault and inventory pages
A true open world, none of this total linear garbage. Player housing, the ability to explore the last city, expand the tower. Have grimoire in the damn game. Let's get more vehicle types, can you say hover warthog? Again, open world. I want to explore all those forests and mountains around the tower, they look incredible. Many area backgrounds look breath taking what I would give to explore those outland areas of archers line on the moon. How about the Valley of the kings on mars? The lost potential to this day haunts me. I want mission locations to play more dynamically. Navigating the vault of glass was thrilling.
A -blam!-ing Gjallarhorn [spoiler]Just kidding. I have 6.[/spoiler]
Someone who won't quit and take the story with them
Bungie to get the team back that did the original destiny before the 6 month out from launch fail that happened.
My money back for Destiny 1
I would like a new race and a new class with more subclasses. Also, more vehicle presence besides our sparrows. Also, when I throw a grenade, have it be thrown don't make me wait 1.1 seconds. Same with revival. Make it so that I don't take damage until I can shoot or make it so I can shoot as soon as I start taking damage
What was promised in density 1
Bigger worlds. Remember the line before the game came out "see that mountain over there? You can climb it.". I want more expansive and vertical worlds with less boundaries.
Better servers and more content.
Casual game play so elitists can go back to CoD
More tears
An increase in mass.
Less mass
Not bungie on the lead, 343 if possible, please.
What is a [b][u]Density[/u][/b]2?
Next gen only
A bulging penis