Edited by nafscub: 7/11/2015 6:12:55 PM1) next gen only. Forget the last gen consoles holding back the game 2) total matchmaking (opt out available). Do not restrict content because you don't have a team ready. 3) private lobbies in crucible (with customization options). Unranked/no leveling naturally (boost proofing). 4) no reforging. No 'ascending' gear. If similar rng system, make it so you have to hunt for the ideal roll or hunt to get the new version/higher grade version of your gear. 5) pvp element to patrol. Varied enemies/levels to patrols. 6) enhanced public events Really not much
The ability to make rocks float in water.
DESTINY* 2? You realized that "Destiny: The Taken King" is Destiny 2, right?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe a, idk, STORY? Like one of those crazy games that have the story IN the game! Those are super complicated but Bungie can do it. I just know they can. Less addiction, more fun-factor would be nice but in the end that's not smart for the publisher. They want it chopped,sliced, and diced to make it similar to a subscription game. That said, i'd be fine with a free game and 10/month sub fee. It would free them up i think. They'd get the steady income stream that activision so craves and we wouldn't get shafted constantly. $120 a year is very cheap entertainment. It's already 100
[quote]Density ll[/quote]
An MMORPG similar to WoW.
Well, from language arts I learned that storys have to have a begining, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, then resolution. This game didn't have most of that.
An actual f*cking story.....
Edited by XIII_Agito: 7/11/2015 6:09:45 PMThe rest of the content for Destiny 1.
Banana ship
Less density in the forums
Story!!!!! And some decent interactive patrol/quest lines.
I would like to see a new exotic weapon for each weapon type. I want there to be more exotic bounties. I want pvp to be balanced.
More mass and volume.
A storyline
Density || Density Dense
More Density
I would like to see it sink honestly. It just wasn't dense enough this time around
Space battles
Actual open planets
It not to be purchased by anyone and for bungie to file chapter 11
More buoyancy
idk i like this one
Maybe add in some more less dense objects, like beach balls. Density is a superb game, but I feel it lacked variety. There was almost no point to using anything other than the high density objects.
For it to be made by the real bungie. Not bungievision
More mass. No one sees it says density, eh?