Far Cry 4 - YOUR Review? Is it Good? Is it worth buying?
It's fun while it lasts, once you beat the campaign you run out of things to do
Edited by DELIVER ME MEMES: 4/22/2015 11:15:45 PMno no and no.\ fanboys and newcomers will praise it. truth is that it's a slight revamp of 3 with more verticality and less island hopping/swimming, and a new skin on everything. a few mechanics tweaks and it's basically the same game rehashed. it's not really a sequel, just like any new ass creed games, but a revamp or rehash with a new layer on top in hopes the devs can distract you from that truth. rent it if you want. don't buy. unless you get the gold edition for less than $20 on steam.
Far cry 3 was better far cry 4 campaign didn't quite hook me I found the main character pretty boring
Everything about Far Cry 3 was better except the fortresses in 4. That is all.
I enjoyed it, I got maybe 30-45 hrs out of it, fun free roam but gets old eventually
i had a lot of fun, but I couldn't justify 60 bucks for it. [spoiler]used gamefly[/spoiler]
Great game. Definitely worth a buy, I put 50 hours into it and am still finding thing to do. It looks beautiful on PS4
IGN 1.2365/10 Too many animals
Get it
Yes it is. A great game. Definitely worth a buy.
It's a great game worth the buy. But don't drop more than 35 on it. As I said it's a great game, it just doesn't feel like 4. I'd call it Far Cry 3.5 it's basically just a reskin, but by no means does that make it bad 8.25/10
8.3/10 great game play moderate replay vaule and outstanding graphics its a decent buy
Yes Yes And yes
Same as Kerman 45-50 hours,good fun & always something to do. It's really cheap now & worth picking up
I put in about 45 hours. I had fun, if its on sale then go for it.
7.5/10 it's fun to play but I found the story boring.
I rented it for 2 days. That was two weeks ago. I still have withdrawals. So yeah, it's good. You should get it
I had about 20 hours in before i moved on to other things, will no doubt get back to it some day. Looks good on ps4, enjoyable, immersive world. For some reason it didn't grab me as hard as other games have, but that's probably my "fault". I never played a Far Cry before, so it may as well be Far Cry 1 for me. I got it for $30 on a flash sale someplace, I consider that a steal.
Definitely worth the buy
It is worth buying, yeah.
I felt FC3 was better from a story standpoint and side quest standpoint. Exploration, wildlife, vegetation and overall mechanics are superior in FC4 though.
30 hours logged roughly. If you do all the side stuff the hours can add up. Kyrat fashion, Films, Racing, Hostage reacue, unlocking, outposts, and towers. all the signatures etc etc. I enjoy it.
FC3 was better. That being said, FC4 is still a pretty good game. It'll keep you entertained for about a week (give or take).
Edited by Krankmas: 4/22/2015 6:17:58 AMI enjoyed the story more then "I'm totally a native guys! Let's kill bosses in psychedelic sequences yeaaaahhhh!!!" That FC3 was. But really its quite similar to FC3 in the sense of gameplay