*He grunts* "Ignorant fool, how would you repay me if I got you out."
id give you my vengence rifle... will that do?
"I want actions not material..."
I'd provide assistance.
"I need you to head to Perth Varcoe and take out high political targets... Can you do that?"
Sure.... if i can leave
*Portal opens behind you, leading to the outskirts of Perth* "Hurry" *Jumps on Zane.*
*runs in*
*You see a siege on Perth* *Your equipment is next to you* *Portal closes*
*is in perth*
*i step out from the shadows* wouldn't work, also, step away from the cell now
*Suddenly I charge into you, ramming you into a wall* "Oops" *Walks out hurriedly* *A portal closes in the cell*
[spoiler]dude, NOTHING can get through the cell, so stop plot jacking[/spoiler] *the portal is negated by my magic, and you become frozen solid by talking my ice clone* nice try* I cut the intruders head off in one clean swipe*
Edited by Lord Genesis : 4/22/2015 7:40:03 PM*The armor negates the ice and he turns around and throws a blast at you* [spoiler]Nothing got through, Cole and The Monitor brokered a deal and The Monitor opened a Bunkai Portal in there.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]f*ucks sake[/spoiler] *bast does nothing as it was never fired, BECAUSE I CUT THE GUYS HEAD OFF*
[spoiler]The armor negated the ice, so he wasn't standing there to get cut.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]doesnt matter, he still was distracted by my clone, giving me time to cut off his head [/spoiler]
[spoiler]But he wasn't he was running out the door[/spoiler]
[spoiler]he tackled my clone, as SOON as that happened, I cut off his head, stop trying to get out of it cause your not, just accept that tote messenger is dead, and move among with the f*cking plot[/spoiler]
*The blade glanced off the shield projected by the armor* *He turns around and blasts you back into the wall*
[spoiler]never said he has a shield,and my blade cuts through energy, so like I just said, STOP PLOT JACKING[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Im not plot jacking, headshot even said it was allowed, it's not an energy shield it has an inner shield core, you can't kill the monitor in one blow.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]2 words:buster sword. This bitch cuts though ANYTHING and if it doesn't cut, it CRUSHES, so either way, your dude is f*cked[/spoiler]
[spoiler]So you just one shot everyone? -_-[/spoiler]
[spoiler]only weeklings;)[/spoiler]