I'd like to preface this by saying I am not religious. I don't actually believe in God, Satan, Heaven or Hell.
But if I did, I would side with Satan. He stands for everything I love.
1. Science
Satan gave us knowledge in the garden when he convinced Eve to eat the fruit. This is also a shout out to women, which I also like. Adam was happy to be ignorant, but she wanted more. If it weren't for the Devil, we would all be stupid monkeys still and would have never tried to understand the physical nature of this world. Think about all the lives Satan has saved and all the pain he has helped to alleviate by making us capable of acquiring knowledge.
2. Premarital Sex
Use protection. God calls it a sin, but the Devil knows the truth. Sex is natural and we are meant to do it. Marriage on the other hand is not. Sure, monogamous relationships are beneficial for the survival of a species. We have the power to stop STDs from spreading by using condoms and we can prevent unwanted pregnancies by using them as well as other forms of birth control. We have all the tools to mitigate the dangers of having frequent premarital sex, so we should take full advantage of them!
3. Nature
I'm all about nature and so is the Devil. Think about magic mushrooms and cannabis. These are parts of nature that we can use to expand our understanding of the universe. God might want to limit us in our understanding, but the Devil wants us to experience the universe in its entirety.
If I did have a religion, it would have to be that of randomness and chaos. I believe that life is the universe's way of experiencing itself and that chaos is the mechanism by which it does so.
Satan, if anything, is much more moral than god. He punishes the bad for actually being bad. If anything, he's the good guy.
I don't prefer Satan that much [spoiler][i]HAIL SITHIS!!![/i][/spoiler]
You read my mind!
Fair enough...
Technically, The guy did nothing wrong. It was god after all that killed first born children of families because the emperor was being a dick.
Satan doesn't exist. The only dark lord I praise is Anton.
Edited by DovahQuinn: 5/31/2015 5:28:21 AM[url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080314184858/elderscrolls/images/c/cc/Sithis.jpg]Excuse me sir, but do you have a moment to talk about our dread father sithis?[/url]
Given the problem of evil, I can understand that there are many ways one could interpret God as the villain of Christianity. In fact, many Western Christians who adhere to Penal Substitutionary Atonement already do. However, my question is this: in light of the fact that according to the Bible, Satan is the one who introduced death and mortality to humanity through causing us to eat from the tree, how can you say that he is a swell guy? Yes knowledge made it easier to alleviate suffering and death. But suffering and death wouldn't have existed in the first place were it not for Satan's deception. If you ask me, it seems like both God and Satan are equally bad and unpleasant. Neither would quite seem to be friends to the human race. In fact, read the book of Job and that precisely seems to be the case. The only loser in that story is humanity itself which is screwed over by both God and Satan in their cosmic bet. So yes, I could see why one would dislike God and see him as a villain, even if I disagree with it, but I cannot understand how one could portray Satan as being any better. He seems just as tyrannical and bent on screwing over humanity if it means getting back at God. In fact, I would say that the only time in the entire Bible that God becomes worship-able and things start to make sense is at the Incarnation. Were it not for God becoming man and suffering everything that we suffer in this life, I would not render him worship or honor.
Satanism song Maledictus Donum libas Inficimur Maledictus bestia Maledictus Pater do si donas. Inficimur Argentum aquae in tenebris. Mater sanguine Redemptio risa se Exciet exciet. Flebatur a salis. Vale, vale, Inficimur In tenebris aquae. Maledictus Et argentum aquae. Inficimur Et argentum aquae. Sanguine Sanguine
Satan is like batman.. He punishes bad people and he has devil horns.
I thought that said santa.
That's really quite foolish.
Doesn't he punish 'bad' people? I don't see how he could be seen as a bad guy. Y'know, assuming it wasn't a childrens story.
I love Santa also.
Edited by Another_numenor_: 4/28/2015 12:52:22 AM[quote]Randomness and Chaos[/quote] But that's what Athiests rely on OP for the world to have taken shape Soooo........ Like .....
Not bad, not bad.
Wow... You are going to rot in hell:( I'm so drug for you