*Scouter beeps*
Guys, the Scouter is picking up a trail of energy that matches the energy surge from the Anomaly.
*checks holoscreen*
We could follow it, I've registered the energy signature into the Scouter.
Or we could find out exactly where and when we are.
"Let's go "
Alright. *hands Scouter with energy signature* Just open the Warp based on the wavelength of the Energy.
*Portal opens* *Walks through*
*follows through* Wait. *stops you and Murph* I'm getting life signals about 500 meters West of here. One of them is familiar. *reads Scouter scan* It's Ginger.
[spoiler]Ayy someone's rping![/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ayyyy no one was moving the plot[/spoiler]