-The Anomaly Team consisting of Murph, Phantom, and Vex walk through a Warp following the energy signature of that matched that of the Surge. When they exit the Warp, they pick up nearby life signals, one of them belonging to the lost Crew member, Ginger. As they near the signatures, the Scouters start to pick up on their radio chatter-
*activates Electronic Blackout*
Their scanners can't be alerted to us now.
Let's just listen to their conversation to get a hold of the situation.
*Minerva activates group cloak*
*Makes a mirage over us, rendering us undetectable by sight also.*
Good thinking. *Scouter tunes to their to their radio frequency* *starts to hear chatter* Listen.
*You hear a familiar sound coming from a Scouter but it isn't any of the ones you carried* *it is coming from Murph's belt* *scouter 3 leaves Murph's belt and joins the other scouters* Me: "See, I told you he'd be fine."
*grabs Scouter 3* Keep him. The data will be useful. *hands back*