Just to go up there and actually voice the community's feelings of how there are errors and locked content in this game is just amazing to me.
Such as how there is locked content, necrochasm sucks balls, and he slipped in the "no raid" response.
You may say he's annoying, but this forum is worst. Also, you might say he was being inappropriate but I'm pretty sure all of you who want a single weapon in the game or content you would want implemented wouldn't have the nerve to even tell that to deej or even bungie.
I know that they're not in control of RNG, but you pieces of shits want to be heard. You voice your feelings through the forums saying,
"WHY CAN'T I GET ________?!"
You WANT people to hear you.
That response was probably aimed towards the people of bungie as well; as a sign of how you hate the loot system and you want something better for yourselves.
And last of all, I'd like to thank deej and Christopher barret for giving us information to last us a few more weeks.
i just disliked how when he was addressing community concerns half the time he was passive aggressive and as a result bungie didn't answer his questions