This week is a new and unique feeling for me. I don't care WHAT Xur is selling. He has nothing that I want badly enough to get worked up over it.
Last week, he sold my Hunter and Warlock The Last Word. The week before that, EVERYBODY bought Suros Regime. All got Ice Breakers. MIDA? Check. Red Death? Got a couple. Thunderlord? Roger that. Patience & Time? RNG gave me one. The list goes on. There is no exotic weapon I can get from Xur that I am lusting for this week.
I haven't even done more than one Weekly Heroic. I'll do 2 more eventually, but there's no urgency about it. I just... don't need the coins this week.
I kind of hope he sells Gjallarhorn, so you all can buy one and shut the frak up about it at last- but I don't need one. Got one, don't really want another. If he sells Truth, I'll buy it for the grimoire card, plus it's supposedly a decent launcher. But I'm not sweating it, one way or the other. If he doesn't sell it, that saves me some coins. It would be a relief to NOT buy a weapon this week, honestly. I can level up the stuff I've got for Iron Banner.
Otherwise- got all the armor. Got all the weapons. He can't sell Mythoclasts or Necrochasms or the 4th Horseman, the only exotics I don't have other than Truth. I might as well save my coins for House of Wolves gear.
I will not be running around the tower at 0630 tomorrow morning, like a Dreg with his head blown off, looking for Xur. What a wonderful sense of freedom!
So, whatever it is you want Xur to sell this week, I hope you get your wish. I won't be dreaming about it, for once. I'm on break from Xur.
At least until May 19, when it all starts over again. Damn you, Xur.
Good post but Xur and I have some unfinished business with a certain Patience and Time and Universal Remote so until then, im his slave... :(