So far I always had to add players to my friend list in order to then invite them to fireteams. Is there no way to just invite people without having to add them first? I'm nto talking about inviting people who are in the same area as you are, but about people I meet on the forums for example for nightfalls, etc.
A friend of my who's on xbone told me that he can just add peopel by name to a fireteam and doesn't need to add them. Is there an option like that for PS4?
If not, why not? It gets quite tiresom hav ing to first add and then delete people again cause I never team up with them again.
PS: why isn't there an option to add people from this site as a friend? it would make it so much easier to add people to do co-op specially when their names are a bunch of numbers or random letters...
Bungee needs to add a recently played with section for this exact reason