After what seems like forever (roughly 1000 hours, maybe more or less idk, it has just been a long time), I finally received my final exotic weapon for xbox1.The gjallarhorn.
For those that think it won't happen, It will never happen, I feel your pain. I thought all of this, constantly watching my friends who have only played 200 hours get one, watching others receive their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th before I even have one.
And just when you give up all happens.
You don't know if you should scream or stay in silence. It is an awkward feeling of accomplishment because you didn't really do anything to receive it but you feel a sense of entitlement because the hours you have invested in this game.
Thank you to the group that I went through VoG on hard with to finally receive this coveted exotic from Atheon.
What exotic weapon is Destiny holding hostage from you?
Have em all on xbone have all vog and ce weapons too.
Nlb, Monte Carlo, plan c, dragons breath
I have all exotics (including armor) except Mythoclast, Monte Carlo and Nechrochasm. I would like to have a Mythoclast, but VoG is not solo friendly so I don't think it'll happen, I really don't have a team. I *might* be able to get a Crux eventually since Crota's End is easier to do by myself or with the help of one friend, but I will have to farm the Blades of Crota and I'm not into these high rof, low impact ars. Monte Carlo will depend on my luck, I guess. I don't mind tbh, like I said before, not a big fan of these kind of ars.
Still fricken hunting down that Thunderlord
Mida multi tool Monte Carlo Patience and time
Gally, I just get annoyed with all the thunderlords I get, Got my 4th today
I have all the exotic amour but all i need is that dam ThunderLord
Damn that foil
Vex, plan c, truth
Lol noob took long enough
Have had all exotics for a few weeks. Still grinding for the foil though.
I have all exotics except thunderlord. Got my Stand asides today so all that's left is my dream machine gun. );
I still need necrochasm Then pocket infinity and super good advice because the bounty bot is like: "have bounties for weapons you already have" Good joke sir
Got all exotics, weapons and armour.
I need nechrocasm and thunderlord
Universal remote and invective (but I have the bounty) Not an exotic, but I need blackhammer too. All other Crota guns are maxed.
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, boned the cashierette
Just waiting for the crux to drop to finish my exotic collection. Three more chances next week.
Got my first gjallarhorn from cruicible than my second the next day from crota. Now i just need hawkmoon and nechrocasm.
Have all, including raid ones, exotic bounty ones, and ps exclusives.
4th horseman, thunderlord
Just need Hawkmoon
Only have one exotic weapon
So last month, it's all about the legendaries bro. B-line trauma with explosive rounds and firefly, or felwinter's lie with hammer forged and shot package for example.
I got it everything but Fatebringer lol
3 more....thunderlord...necrochasm....and truth!! Even though I've gotten 3 gjallarhorns. ..4 icebreakers..and 3 patience and