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Edited by Archangel: 9/13/2015 11:36:26 AM

Echoes Chapter 2 (Part III): An Unlikely Alliance

Archangel strolled up the stairs and back into the tower plaza. He found his two fireteam members chatting with each other next to the vault. He took a moment to size both of them up. The first was William, to his disappointment. He should have expected the Vanguard to send this titan with him, if not out of spite, then for the pure irony of it. He imagined how William must have reacted after being told that he was to accompany Archangel to the moon. William wasn't the type to see much action, as he was usually Zavala's errand boy. Though, the titan did not lack in skill. Archangel was sure that they were bound to stumble into another fight, but that's not what worried him. Then, the Warlock caught his attention. Ikora had informed Archangel that the warlock's name was Elysia. She was not as young as himself, but she did look it. As one of Ikora's "Hidden", Elysia had seen much action and knew her share of secrets. What took Archangel by surprise, however, was her beauty. She had blonde hair at a moderate length. She was an Awoken, though her skin tone wasn't as pale as the Awoken that Archangel was used to seeing. He thought that her looks were on par with the Queen of the Reef. She had only a single scar, one that ran from her right brow down to the cheek. Slight and not prominent, but still noticeable from a distance. She wore unique armor, and he could only imagine her power as a warlock. He decided to break his trance and walk over to the two. They caught sight of him and watched as he stopped at the vault's console a few feet away. William's stare was backed by animosity, while Elysia looked as if she was analyzing Archangel from head to toe. "I'm going to assume that you both know the mission?" He asked, turning away from the console as his unique hand cannon materialized on his hip. Elysia's eyes were drawn towards it as William spoke up. "Yeah. Keep track of you as you try to get us killed by screwing around with the Hive." William's tone sounded as if he was making each word a punch. Archangel shrugged them off as he realized Elysia was still gazing at his hand cannon. He sighed, pulled it from its holster, and offered it to her for inspection. She smiled and accepted it, then began a full visual scan of the weapon. She turned it around, flipped it upside down, aimed down the sights, and opened the magazine to see what kind of rounds the gun took. Archangel was sure that she would have test fired it if the Vanguard hadn't banned all firearm use in the tower. "Very nice weapon. What is the name of it?" She handed it back to him and gave him a quizzical look. "I call it 'The Dragon's Fall'. It's a reference to religion." Archangel replied as he slipped the gun back in its holster. William looked disapproving of the two getting along, and stood up slowly. Before Elysia could respond, he interjected with a groan from stretching. "Can we just go? We have everything we need, and I'm tired of just waiting on you." William's ghost materialized in front of him for a few seconds, then disappeared. "Oh, ignore my ghost. He does that...a lot." "I see.." Archangel replied, a bit amused. "Sera can be the same way at times. Only when she's mad at me. Well, I suppose we can be off. I've downloaded a few reconnaissance files from the Vanguard and our search begins on the northern ruins of the moon. Outpost Ragnarok." "What!? Are you out of your damn mind!? That outpost was abandoned last week, they were OVERRUN by Hive. Almost a hundred guardians were slaughtered! The Hive own that place!" William began to shout at Archangel, causing a few nearby guardians to look over at the group. Archangel stepped in close quickly and pushed him back, shoving him against the vault's wall. "You need to keep your voice low or your mouth shut. I will not have people intruding on my business because you can't shut the hell up. If you don't want to go, that's fine. I don't need you shouting like an inbred coward on a stealth recon and getting us caught by an entire horde of Hive. I can do this on my own, and I didn't ask for your help. If you want, you can go back to your master and whine that you were too scared to do your job." He stepped back from William and walked towards the tower's edge. William watched him, holding back urges to tackle him to the ground. Elysia said nothing, but was slightly intrigued by Archangel. She didn't know if it was bravery or insanity, but he was determined to complete his task. Archangel stepped up on the railing and turned around, looking at the two of his teammates. Raising an eyebrow, he crossed his arms. "Well?" "Oh to the darkness with this, I'm coming." William grumbled as he lumbered towards the hangar. Elysia smiled and stepped up to Archangel. "I like you. Don't get us killed, mkay?" "I don't know about William, but I'll see what I can do for you. Better get to the hangar, wouldn't want to leave you behind." Archangel remarked slyly, stepping back to the edge of the rail. "What about y-" Archangel dropped in the middle of Elysia's question. She rushed to the rail and looked over, only to see Archangel's ship ascending in front of her. He was sitting on top of it, waving at her. She started laughing as William's ship exited the hangar. Archangel saluted it before being transmatted inside. "Always a showoff for a girl.." Sera remarked as she materialized in front of the controls, setting a navpoint for the moon. [url=]Chapter 2 (Part I): New Friends, Old Enemies[/url] [url=]Chapter 2 (Part II): The Doubtful[/url] [url=]Echoes [Appendix][/url]

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