[spoiler]This is ment for Cj and Lethal[/spoiler]
*two figures come around a corner covered in blood, one with a shotgun in hand and cigar in mouth the other with an eye patch
and an arm made entirely out of blades*
*I adjust my mask* *slightly muffled* They must have used carbon graphing to make the walls
Hmm. Interesting. *kicks another building out of the way*
It makes the walls stronger but lighter
Ah. Cool. *keeps walking*
They use it for many materials that are made of metal
I wonder if thats what my joints are made of. *pulls pistol and shoots a huge bear in the head killing it*
It's possible and it would make sense
Yeah. Alright another 200 miles and we'll be there. *trips over own foot then gets back up*
You should be more careful
Hehe. Oops. *kicks a building down for fun*